Simmonds' disease

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Simmonds' disease
ICD-10 E23.0
ICD-9 253.2
DiseasesDB 11998
MeSH D007018

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Phone:617-632-7753

Simmonds' disease (also Simmonds' syndrome) refers to panhypopituitarism caused by the destruction of the pituitary gland due to infiltrative processes (e.g. lymphocytic), tumours (pituitary adenomas or craniopharyngiomas) or trauma (cranial injury or following surgery).

Sheehan's syndrome is a sub-classification of Simmond's disease occurring specifically in the peripartum period.


It was first described by Morris Simmonds when a patient presented with 'fatal cachexia', although his patient went on to live for 11 more years. [1][2]


Although cachexia may be present, the disease is characterised by symptoms due to decreased gonadal, thyroidal and adrenal function. These include:

See Hypopituitarism


  1. Simmonds M, (1914) Dtsch. med. Wschr. 40, 322
  2. Template:WhoNamedIt

Template:WikiDoc Sources